Among a number of modern family houses – villas built in Belgrade during the 1930s, in which the influences of the modern movement were mostly formally applied, Zloković’s Villa Prendić, owned by lawyer Jovan Prendić, stands out, in whose architecture the principles of modernism are treated much more consistently and comprehensively. According to the morphological characteristics, Villa Prendić is a detached family house set on street regulation, so that the house can be entered from the street without an access part of the plot, but the rest of the plot in the back of the house is intended for a garden. In addition to the residential part of the house, there was also the office of the lawyer’s wife, Dr. Dragojla Prendić, functionally and spatially separated from the residential purpose – with a separate entrance on the second level, i.e, at street level (the office with the waiting room is lower than the residential part) represents a kind of Raumplan concept applied in Zloković’s peculiar way. This differentiation of the two functions of the house is also manifested in the external structure, so the doctor’s office is located in a special ground floor volume, in relation to the living space developed in the basic one-storey cube and connected to the office via the entrance hall. The simple and compact organization of the apartment, grouped around the stair vertical, indicates the quality of the living space and its functionality focused on modern life.